Values and Beliefs
My take on the difference between values and beliefs. Feel free to pitched in with your opinions too.
One reason why values are similar to beliefs is because the root or origin of values comes from beliefs. You've got to have the faculty of belief to first have faith in the values.
Let me explain what I mean by defining each separately. Values are those things we put value or importance to or ones that we despise too. Values could fall into two categories- practiced values versus espoused or ideal values( ones that are ideal but are found struggling to practice).
Values may spring up from any domain of life-finance,family,career,social,spiritual,health or leisure. Based on the various departments of life we ascribe value to spiritual over to career, family over spiritual, family over career or vice versa. These all depends on our values-( values by the way is not inborn, its a learnt or preferred choice to options in life).
According to Tony Robbins, there are 2 types of values- means values and end values. To illustrate the difference, let me give an example of someone wanting to buy a Mercedez car. Here the person's mean value is the Mercedez but his end value might be prestige and social standing. Again Tony also give 2 continuum of values- one is toward values( values we run to-e.g peace, success, love) and other is the "away values"( ones we try to run away from)
Beliefs by the way is our inner conviction of what is supposedly true or false to us( again based on our upbringing and training). It can be answered in Yes or No. Its a Certainty of feeling about the meaning of something.
There are 2 types of beliefs- one that empowers us, the other is one that limits us. And there are 2 layers of beliefs again- one is core and the other is the surface belief. Core beliefs affect our identity. E.g Am good or am lazy. Surface beliefs affect our abilities- E.g I can do or I can't do that.
Hope my input expands our understanding of the difference between these two determinants of all human behaviors.